Agile2014 presentations

I had the great opportunity to present at two separate sessions at Agile2014 in Orlando.Here are the slides.

My first session was called “How to improve flow efficiency, remove the red bricks”

The video recording of this session is available on Agile Alliance Video Learning Center

In these posts I try to answer some questions I received as feedback for this session:

The second presentation that I co-presented with Erik Schön was called “The Mental Leaps at Ericsson 3G”.


Habits of Kanban process improvements


“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle.


What are the routines you need to put in place to continuously strive for excellence? What are the habits we need to put in place to evolutionary evolve our processes. How do we really continuously improve collaborative? In this session I will share the Habits of Kanban process improvements that I call Kanban Kata. Kanban Kata combines the Kanban Method with Toyota Kata and forms the habits of process improvements for your Technology Business.


This is the talk that I gave at the DARE 2013 conference in Antwerp 15th June 15, 2013