Kanban Kata – Lean Kanban European Conference Tour 2012

Here is the video from my Kanban Kata presentation at Lean Kanban Central Europe 2012 (#LKCE12)



This SlideShare is the updated version of the presentation I gave at Lean Kanban France 2012 (#LKFR12), Lean Kanban Central Europe 2012 (#LKCE12) and Lean Kanban Netherlands 2012 (#LKNL12)

Lean Kanban Conference Tour 2012

Join me on my Lean Kanban Conference Tour 2012

Here are the Tour dates

I'm a speaker at Lean Kanban Paris France, October 18-19!

Lean Kanban France, 18-19 Oct in Paris #LKFR12

I'm a speaker at Lean Kanban Central Europe October 22-23

Lean Kanban Central Europe, 22-23 Oct in Vienna #LKCE12

Lean Kanban Netherlands, 25-26 Oct in Utrecht, #LKNL12