The Busy Bee Paradox

Here are my slides from my keynote at Agile Tour Lille

Don’t we all think that we get more done if we stay busy? We feel good and efficient. We may even get a pat on the back or even a promotion.

But is this good for the company? Is it good for our customers? Are we really optimizing for the whole or are we just keeping ourselves busy?

Waste of overproduction > waste of highly skilled people idling? – #Agile2014 Q&A part 2

How to improve Flow EfficiencyAgile 2014 P8

This is my second Q&A post for my #Agile2014 session: How to improve Flow Efficiency, Remove the Red bricks! In this, my previous and upcoming posts I will answer some of the questions I have received as session feedback after the session.

Q2: The presentation gave a full demonstration of the issue and how to address the problem. However the only issue I had with it is that it is essentially teaching to have your highly skilled, highly paid people sit and wait for work when it is ready. I would like to see the real metrics when you consider the overhead of these highly skilled people. But in general, I think you did a really good job of pointing out the issue and ways to address it. Entertaining presentation as well.

BusyWorkers BusyFlowunit

Yes, I am proposing that for some organizations, based on their context, it is a valid business/operational strategy to focus more on having the flow units (e.g. user stories, features, MVP, project) being worked on all the time over having our highly skilled, highly paid people utilized all the time.

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The RED brick cancer – Lean Agile Scotland 2013-09-19

It was great to get to Edinburgh and be able to present at Lean Agile Scotland. Unfortunately there was some technical issues in the beginning of the session. Sorry about that! Hope you enjoyed the session anyway. Big thank you to Chris McDermott @chrisvmcd, the rest of the organizers, all the attendees, all the speakers and the sponsors for making this great even happen.

Hope to see you next year.

Session description:

Time is valuable, and when it is gone, it is gone. Are you focusing on flow or just keeping yourself busy? How much has the red brick cancer spread in your processes?

In this session we will talk about time. We will explore the differences between systems with high resource efficiency and systems focused on flow efficiency. We take a look at how to remove the red brick cancer in your processes. You will learn how to understand and improve the end to end flow in your system.